So, I belong to a very elite group known as the Literary Society of Oberlin Road. Others call this a “book club”, but we are above that. We are a literary society. Anyway, the group is comprised of me and three co-workers—Beth, Christine, and Leigh. Leigh and Christine were the two founding members and as such, Leigh appointed herself as president and Christine as VP. I can’t remember Beth’s title, but as I am always the one who is behind, they dubbed me “jackass”. (This is in reference to the card game in which the loser has to serve the winner—the “king”—and is basically the scum. In fact, in Utah we called it “scum”, not “jackass”.)
Well, the other day we had a bit of a ruckus take place within this prized group. Christine beat Leigh at finishing the book, so she decided she would be President and announced this via email earlier in the week. Leigh did not take too kindly to this and pretty soon we were all embroiled in a literary society riot via email. Though much was left unsettled, I do believe I’ve vacated the position of Jackass and am now a VP. This is how it went down. (I’ll abbreviate names by using first initial.) I should preface this by also saying that what started this is that our meeting date of the 22nd had to be changed, but all of this scheduling adjustment took place while I was gone on Friday. I came back to a dozen emails discussing all of this. And that, dear friends, is where we shall pick up the events that lead to my promotion…
K: Wow—I missed a whole convo. I am fine with the 29th, though I did finish the book last night anyway. Go me! :)
L: I finished the book, too! 4 hours before Kade did… :) [and, she did…I finished at 2:30 a.m.; Leigh finished at 10:30 pm.]
K: Still doesn’t save your presidency.
C: Nice Kade, I mean Vice President!! :)
K: That’s right! VP Kade. Go me! How quickly I have risen up from the rubble of jackassdom…Leigh’s new residence.
B: Ok ok. This has gotten out of hand. Don't you have to have 100% of the vote when there is an impeachment? So...looks like I'm that swing vote. Hmmm, I'll be open to bribes at this time.
L: I don’t see any type of impeachment going on. Seems like he’s appointing himself VP so that obviously still leaves me as President, right?
K: You missed that Christine appointed herself President, thus opening her VP spot (which I now fill), thus opening my spot (which you now fill). The cycle of life…and book clubs.
L: Okay, whomever can name the town where Sonia and Cameron grew up first gets to be President…
[she immediately replies with the answer]
C: Wow, Leigh. I kind of feel bad for you right now…
Not going down without a fight, huh?
Dear diary,
I am feeling a little sad right now because I have been usurped by the book club.
K: And not going down very graciously or with much dignity, I might add. :)
Dear Diary,
I am feeling great today! There was a mild ruckus over the Presidency of Book Club but I am victorious! Its so funny b/c they seem to think there is another option other than me as the President but I’m not worried at all. I mean really, like anyone else is even remotely qualified. I have started to doubt whether the others even read the books…I think I saw a “Cliff Notes” version hanging out of Christine’s purse the other day. Anyway, it sure does feel great to be me for another day! TTYL, dear diary.
Dear Journal,
Today was an interesting day…perhaps “bittersweet” would best describe it. It was first sweet, in that I secured my new position as VP of the illustrious book club to which I belong. The hours of hard work in proving my dedication and ability really paid off on this one! I wonder if I get a reserved parking space? Note to self: check on this during next meeting.
The bitter—nay, sad—part of it all is that the club’s former president, upon being ousted, clearly got delusional and had a very public nervous breakdown via email. How I feel for her; it must be rough to be so troubled and in such a public arena, let alone to have it documented forever in the annals of email. I’m always torn at these junctures. Do I remain friends with the crazies in hopes that my friendship will somehow help them through? Or, should I save myself from hours of listening to a whole heap of blah blah blah poor crazy me crap and just cut ties? It’s so perplexing. While I decide this, I must be sure to try to treat said member the same I always have—while hiding my stares and shock over her current state, discreetly discussing the matter with other club members in a way that will keep her thinking we’re not concerned or suspicious over her newly revealed lunatic status.
It is tough to be me. Well, kind journal, as always, thanks for listening. I value your support and insight and will report back soon.
Remaining only yours,
C: I have been crying with laughter over here all morning. I wonder if my cubbies think I even work anymore….
K: Perhaps it’s not just the ousted president about whom we should worry. Is this normal? Does this insanity come with the office of presidency? If so, I don’t think I want it.
And I don’t. I have enough issues without adding more insanity. So, instead, I shall remain VP and enjoy my promotion while poor Leigh is relegated to that of being Jackass. How she struggles. :)
Oh Kade.... I truly miss your blog postings and today, I decided to come here and check this out and I was laughing about the condition... Leigh took this soooo serious, didn't she??
After that, did she write you back? Are you friends again? :)
Yes, we're still friends and yes, I'm still PRESIDENT! Hooray!
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