Monday, July 14, 2008

Designs ala Kade

So, it just dawned on me that I've never posted a link to the March of Dimes collateral I designed for this year's 5K here in Raleigh. You can enjoy my work by viewing it at the following link:

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll see two "Register by Mail" options--one is the form and one is the brochure. I designed both of them, but the brochure (as you will see) was a beast. It's a two-page tri-fold brochure, so picture it that way, otherwise it will look really odd. We have them in print too (which reminds me--I need to grab some to put in my portfolio), but they are also able to be printed from online so that more runners can be reached.

Anyway, I just had to share in my excitement now that I remembered it. :) Hope all is well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool job!!! I liked the mix of colors there too! :D

Thoughts that occur to Tot...shared as randomly as they occur.