Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My dog...what a little bitch!

OK, so I love my dog dearly and all, but that little wretch is lucky she's not at the pound tonight given her actions this morning. I called her to come into the kitchen to eat her drug-laced treat (the only way I can get her to take her Prozac without shoving it down her throat) and she didn't come running like she usually does. So, I went in to my bedroom to see what the deal was, when I found her hunkering down on a pillow on my bed like she was in trouble. I knew then that she'd gone to the bathroom somewhere in the house.

Well, as she'd been in the living room, I went in there first to check. Sure enough, she'd left a lovely pile on the carpet. So, back in to my bedroom I went to spank the little beast. However, this backfired on me as the second I spanked her, she peed on my pillow! Seriously. Oh, I was mad. It's a good thing it was on one of my old pillows, rather than on one of the $30 pillows I just got and hadn't had the time to put in a pillow case yet. Anyway, she is not on my good list and my thought is that it's a good thing she's so cute as otherwise, that mutt would be on the street.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, I am just hoping that dear ol' karma doesn't come and bite me in the butt for making fun, but I do have to share today's fun tidbit.

I was heading back to Raleigh from Hillsborough this afternoon, when a car got right on my bumper...and I mean the grill of that car was a nibblin' away at my poor Don Pedro's heiny. So, I did what any sane person would do...I tapped on my brakes. Well, this pissed the guy off and he threw his hands up in the air, like I have some control over speeding up or getting out of his way. You see, there was a slower-moving car in front of me and a huge truck and horse trailer to my right. So, I wasn't able to go anywhere. I threw my hands up in the air back at him. Well, I guess the car in front of me thought that I was motioning at them, which I wasn't as they were driving the speed limit--but in the fast lane, so they got over. This allowed me to speed up and get over.

I was most excited to see that there was a police SUV three lanes over from where I was with the nimrod right behind me. So, as soon as I could, I got over in front of the huge truck and let the jerk fly on by. Apparently, he didn't realize that the large white Suburban with giant black letters that said "POLICE" on it was an actual cop, as he flew right by the cop going about 20-25 mph over the speed limit. I said to my friend, Justin, who was in the passenger seat watching this all go down, "I so hope they pull him over." Justin said, "I doubt they will." But, right then, the cop sped up and was clearly pacing the speeding car.

Well, we were coming up on our exit, so I was a bit disappointed that we wouldn't know the outcome and Justin didn't think we would either, but I was most elated to see the reds and blues start flashing behind the creep, right as we were turning off. Take that Mr. Ford Focus. So, though I'm hoping karma doesn't come and get me, I am most happy that for once a driver who deserved to get caught was actually caught indeed. Good job officer, whoever you are!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

An update...

Well, it's 1:30 in the morning and I really should be heading to bed, but I figured I'd take a moment to post an update, since it's been about three weeks since I have done so.

I have been sitting here for the past hour trying to get my product photos re-sized, as from what my web designer says, I'll be uploading product pictures and descriptions within the next few days. Wahoo!!! I can't even put into words how excited that makes me. It has been sooooo much work and stress, so to finally be at the point that I can see some real progress is really exciting. It's amazing how much behind-the-scenes work it has taken too.

At this point, I have most of my product in (with the exception of my own designs, which are currently being produced) and all of the legal, financial, and advertising stuff seems to be under control. I got word on Friday that my start-up funding has been approved, so that's very exciting too! I have been financing all of the start-up costs out of my own bank account and on my personal credit cards, which is just not fun. It's how most start-ups begin, but the stress of seeing $20,000 on my credit cards is enough to give me a heart attack. It will be nice to have the business finances separated from my personal accounts, as they should be anyway. I set my company up as an LLC so that all legal liabilities would not affect my personal finances (if someone sues me because their dog choked on one of my products, I don't want to lose my retirement fund :)). However, by mixing the finances, I also open up the flood gate of liability too. By getting all of that separated, I can go back to keeping that liability line well drawn.

In super exciting accomplishment news for this past week, I was able to not only get the financing done, but I also signed with an advertiser to do 60,000 mailings in Raleigh's high-income neighborhoods (it's kind of fun to think that my neighbors will be getting an ad mailed to them for my company that's located next door to them) and I'm looking at doing television ads a few months down the road. I also gained an even better connection than I previously had to have my catalogs printed. These catalogs will be used for home parties for product ordering, as well as for those who go to my website and request to receive a catalog.

Also this week, I got all of my inventory moved to my new storage unit so most of it is out of my living room and bedroom now. :) I went over yesterday to work on getting it all arranged and was excited to find that another shipment had been delivered, right to my unit. It's great because UPS, FedEx, etc., all check out a key at the storage company office and secure the shipment inside my unit. So, I don't have to mess with trying to make it to my apartment office before they close to pick up shipments, or worry about hauling the inventory around and lugging it in and out of my car. The cost for the storage unit is well worth it as this is a huge relief for me. I can be on vacation and have my inventory continue to arrive and be securely stored.

Additionally, I decided on Friday night that I'm going to carry my own line of dog collars and leashes and purchased some products yesterday to get going with that. I'm meeting with two of my seamstresses tomorrow night anyway to go over the final mock-ups of my initial designs in all of the color combinations I picked so that I can get the photos taken and edited, etc. Well, I'm also going to run the collar and leash idea by them as well. I think it'll be really easy for them to do it, so hopefully they'll agree. I am also meeting tomorrow with the person who is doing my custom picture frames that will match my dog crate covers and bedding line. I'm really excited to see how that turns out! The seamstresses are starting in on my bedding as soon as I sign off on the dresses, as I have a tentative appointment with a local retailer who is interested in carrying my bedding line through their store. There are two or three other stores I am still going to be approaching to see about them retailing my products, but at this point, I'm more focused on just getting the products pulled together. It seems like there are still a billion and one things to do, with so little time in which to do them. I told my mom that she needs to come stay with me for a few months so that she can help me get all of this finished. It's too bad she's not retired.

In other news, I have just gotten through four days of Matza having an allergic reaction. My guess is that she reacted to the fertilizer they just put on the lawns. Her skin just went insanely pink and puffy all over--it looked SOOOOOO painful. I called the vet to see about getting her in for a steroid shot, but the vet first had me give her 1/2 teaspoon of children's Benadryl every 12 hours. That seems to have worked, but it took a couple of days before it really showed a great improvement. The poor thing was just a suffering. I tried everything I could think of to help calm her skin down and I'm glad the Benadryl finally worked. I had to have her Prozac prescription renewed and the dosage increased as it seems to be helping, but not quite enough. We'll see how the new dosage goes.

Well, that's about it for me. I reckon I'd better get to bed. I hope all is well with all ya'll!


Thoughts that occur to Tot...shared as randomly as they occur.